Rain = Productivity

Wow, who knew that it would only take some water falling from the sky to make us turn into ravage productivity machines around the house. Sure, it started with us on the baseball field getting wet, cold and smiling, but then we got productive. A dump run, shopping at Lowe's, lunch from Purchase Street Market and then a whole bunch of work inside of the house followed. We got the backsplash all done in the kitchen and the kids cleaned their rooms. I also attacked the bookshelf in the living room which needed a cleaning in a big way and it got it!

Tomorrow I have six houses I'm looking at. It's going to be a long day, but for a good cause right? Emily's birthday party she was going to today got canceled so that is now tomorrow no matter what the weather is. So I'm going to be doing the houses solo and we'll see what happens. Very exciting that this is all happening now. Of course going through the selling of a house that I work out of every day could get interesting rather quick.

Another highlight was a big pitcher of Sangria with dinner followed by some intense games of Turbo Yatzee with the kids. No better way to spend a Saturday night. *grin*

So since the computer was on but ignored all day I'm spending some quality time with it. Final configurations on the mac and now writing some documents and presentations. NOT the way to spend a Saturday night.

Manic Monday

Friday Funkalicious