The Rolling Office

Another one of those FULL days where I catch an early morning Acela train into New York City for the day, go to a bunch of meetings and then return home on another Acela. It makes for a long day, but Steve and I always make sure that any day that I come into the city that we pack as many productive meetings as possible into them so that no time is wasted and every moment is productive. The Rolling OfficeThe train ride today is beautiful. I'll snap a photo with the mac, but of course you won't be able to appreciate it. But, with the fresh fallen snow mixed with the rising sun, it makes for a beautiful view. I'll often just it back and enjoy it from time to time. This is another reason why I love taking the train instead of an airplane whenever possible.

I had an upgrade coupon so I'm in the First Class cabin today. I think almost every person here has some form of mobile broadband and is working away. This quiet time is golden for sure and I appreciate it as a great time to get caught up on e-mail, work on some presentation, perhaps write a bit and plan out the day ahead.

Cool moment today as I arrived to the train station and heard someone say, "hey C.C." I turned and there was David Meerman Scott. We first met when he interviewed me for his book The New Rules of Marketing and PR and it was great to catch up with him on how things are going for him and what I've been up to since forming The Advance Guard. I love random morning meetings like this. Gave a great start to the day. Of course then the train came flying through the station and forgot to stop so hopefully that isn't a sign of things to come.

Working in Starbucks

Snow and Sonicare