Early mornings seem to be my most productive time. As I type this I've got conversations going with someone in Boston and Bankok via IM. I've brainstormed around a potential new client and I've done my morning surf of my Bloglines to see what is going on in the world. Perfect time to record a podcast, but this week that gets thrown off because the kids are on vacation from school. No biggie, but it means I drop them off at their camps later then school and it sort of makes the day start later.
Cool thing happened yesterday when Emily's teachers called to ask us if they could move her up a level. They said she was too talented to be with the little kids, so now she is with all the 10 & 11 year olds and actually has to learn lines for her play on Friday. I can't wait and she is very psyched. She got to pick dinner last night and opted for kabobs. Hard to argue there and they looked and tasted pretty damn good even if they were last minute.
As I look out the window at the sunshine it reminds me that today is Earth Day. The perfect excuse for everyone to get outside for at least a walk. Sure we are all busy and leading crazy lives, but find at least a few minutes today to get outside and get some fresh air. It'll do you a world of good.
Saturday I'm heading into PodCamp NYC. I can't make it on Friday but it will be great to at least be there for one day. I wasn't going to be able to make it originally but plans shifted so I could. Also looking forward to getting our client mDialog in front of people so that they can find out more about their offerings around video. Be sure to swing by their table because they are going to be giving away an Apple TV.
The head cold or allergies I've been dealing with seem to be clearing up today which is a nice change of pace. Not sure if the Thai food yesterday helped at all, but it sure tasted good. That I know for sure!
The coffee cup is empty so that means time to end this post. Make it a great day.