C.C. Chapman

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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

I'm click clacking across New England on my way to NYC for the day. It isn't a commute I'd want to do all the time, but I do it often enough that I know it well. Breakfast meeting, lunch meeting and then back home tonight. As always I wish I could stay a bit longer, sneak a trip into B&H and see some friends, but not on this trip. I asked a question on Twitter this morning about how people make decisions. I was a little curious if people were more of the do the research type or follow your gut instinct type. Me personally I go with my gut feel first and back it up with research. If something feels wrong then it is going to take some big time proof to the contrary to change my mind. Seems most people do a hybrid approach as well based on the replies I got.

I'm also filled with an urge to shoot photos. Not sure when I'm going to find the time, but between Hilary's adventures and the latest Bui Brothers video I'm itching to get out shooting. Thinking I might try using my lights outside with the kids to see what I can come up with. Only way I'm going to get better is to shoot with them more. Plus I've never shot outside with lights before and since I don't have remote power I don't think I'll be doing it that often.

Amazing how much one brain can bounce around at any one time.