C.C. Chapman

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Busy Busy

Been a busy week and right into the weekend with lots of little things to do. Wanted to point to some new content that has come out across multiple channels.

I also began teaching my University of San Francisco class this week. I haven't talked much about that, but last fall I became an Adjunct Professor there in their marketing department and I'm one of the professors teaching their Advance Social Media Marketing course. It was a lot of fun and certainly a blast to have a classroom full of inspired students from around the country.

I just popped a dish of Soggy Saturday Wings into the oven and there is a crock pot of pulled pork slowly cooking away as well in the kitchen.

We are recording another episode of Cast of Dads in a few minutes and then this afternoon I'm speaking to a Babson College marketing class. All this before the Super Bowl takes over the living room and I head into the blackness known as post football depression. *grin*

Plus, during all this I've been noodling around trying to think up some new client ideas. Easy enough to come up with simple ones, but hard to come up with kick ass ones. As usual my brain is always thinking about something and with the great clients we work with at Campfire there is never a shortage of things to think about.

Like I said. Things are busy. But, it keeps life moving. That is a good thing.