C.C. Chapman

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Another Year Older

Today I turn 38 years old and as I usually do I snapped a quick photo for random memory sake.

I've just returned home from speaking in Rotterdam and playing in Amsterdam. It was a trip full of inspiration and fun, but I'm glad to be back.

Looking at this photo tells me I'm more tired than I feel right now. I'm sure the jet lag is waiting to set in at any time.

Birthdays make me reflective and thankful for living another year. We don't know how many we get and therefore I try to make sure to live each one to the fullest.

This past year took me around the country and across Canada for the book. I made new friends and spent quality time with old ones. All the hours of hard work spent with Ann Handley paid off as the book became a best seller and people are still talking about it. My family is happy and healthy and while I've had some scares and have work to do, my health for the most part is fine.

I always have to stop and think how old I am because it isn't something that crosses my mind much. I'm sure next year at this time I'll be freaking a bit as 40 looms ahead of me, but where will I be at that time? My second book should be out by then, but I wonder how people will like it. What work will I be doing and what country might I be returning from then?  Who will be our president and what troubles will the world be facing? What new adventures will my children be setting off on?

I don't know if I'm any wiser, but I am a year older. Time to make sure this upcoming year is as kick ass as possible.