C.C. Chapman

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C.C. Chapman at SXSW

Right now (hopefully) I'm on a plane affectionately known as the Boston NerdBird headed towards Austin, Texas to take part in the amazing time that is SXSW. Blurry Blog Haus

I'm writing this before I leave, because I know that once I'm on the ground there it will be a fast pace, talking to a lot of people, making a lot of new friends type of time and I wanted to get this out there now in case you might be looking for me. The above photo is one I took in 2008 that pretty much sums up the vibe of SXSW

The quick answer is that besides a few set in stone events I don't know where I'll be because I'll be going with the flow.

I'm going to be in Austin from Thursday afternoon until Tuesday morning.

During that time I can tell you now that you won't find me at any of the crazy big parties that will be happening every night. While they can be fun, the long lines and over capacity rooms don't make for all that great of a time so I tend to skip them.

Where you can find me is taking lots of photos like this one when I meet great people (still loved bumping into Jonathan Coulton in the hallway for this photo). I will be doing plenty of walking around the convention center, grabbing drinks with people and meeting as many people as possible.

The only places that I know I will be for sure are as follows:



Besides those few events, everything else is up on the air. If you really want to get a hold of me the best way is to send me a text message at 508-241-1062.

I've kept my schedule as open as possible so that I can fully enjoy my time with people while I'm there. After all, it is the hallway magic that leads to the best memories in my opinion. Please make sure that if you want to say hi, that you come up and say hello!

Hope to see you in Austin.