C.C. Chapman

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Constant Creation

Anyone who knows me, knows that my brain is in a constant state of thinking, scheming and creating. On the days where my life cooperates, I get to actually take those thoughts and turn them into reality. Those are my best days.

While I've been home for a couple of weeks from the book tour I've had the chance to put out several creations and it feels good.

Yesterday it was spring-like outside so the family jumped in the car and went for a nice long walk around a local park. While it was muddy and damp, we had a blast and I got to take some photos which I have been dying to do lately. Plus the fresh warm air felt marvelous.

Game of Thrones - Influencer Outreach BoxI've also been doing a lot of writing and I'm excited to announce that I'll now be writing a monthly column for iMedia Connection.

It was funny because this month my article was 4 Ingredients for Successful Influencer Outreach and the next day I got this amazingly well done outreach from HBO for Game of Thrones. The timing couldn't have better.

Then this morning I noticed that one of the harder things I've had to write went live as part of the SXSW Pokes project from The Domino Project.

Writing it wasn't hard, but I found it challenging since I have such respect for everything Seth Godin does and I wanted to make sure my story was worthy to be included. I shared a story about a chance photography encounter at SXSW. When I found out this morning that it was chosen to be included I couldn't stop grinning.

Today, my creation efforts are focused on finishing up a client document that I'm excited to see executed. Tomorrow I'll spend the day in a dark room beginning the recording of the audio-book version of Content Rules. Then I'm off to SXSW and a week of great people, good talks and yummy breakfast tacos. Plus, you can be sure I'll be doing some creation of some sort there. After all, I'm living in a state of constant creation. I'd have it no other way.