C.C. Chapman

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Being Silly

One look at this photo and you know that by sharing it I'm comfortable showing myself having a good time and being a bit silly.

I was using Photobooth on my Mac as a monitor to see what my camera was seeing while filming a segment for the upcoming MarketingProfs B2B Forum that I'll be taking part in and attending.

When I saw the photo it was too silly not to share.

Yesterday was a rough day for me.

My site went wonky due to an update I made, I lost a source of income and a life list item I was getting ready to check off may in fact not be happening. All in all, it was a pretty crappy Monday.

But, if you know me, you know I don't stand for that. I've got a book to edit, so I cranked the tunes and focused on the printed out manuscript to spend some quality time with it and my favorite red pen.

Then I was reminded of this little video assignment I had agreed to. The first time I filmed it, I made a rookie mistake and didn't get the focus right so it turned out horrible. So, I put it off as long as I could and then went for it a second time. This go around I got it right and the team was happy.

Why I share this is because those ninety seconds of being silly made up for the hours of yuck that came before them.

They reminded me that while there will always be curveballs in life, that smiling and being silly for a bit can help right your spirt to where it needs to go.

There is a lot on my plate at the moment and none of it is going to be easy to complete. But, one quick look around at what some of my friends are going for and it reminds me that my mountains are nothing compared to others.

The next time you get frustrated or run into that wall of doom, try being silly. It just might work.