September Looks Busy
Yesterday morning, our flight home from Arizona arrived at Boston Logan at 6 am.
It was a quick flight for me since I had the latest season of Homeland to pass the time and a nice quiet plane.
I've never taken three weeks of vacation in my life and it is a bit sad that it took this long to do it. Wow, did it feel good.
Of course now comes the fun part of catching up and pushing forward. In addition to school starting next week for the kids, I've got several things on my plate that will make September busy.
- Writing continues on the new book. I've spent plenty of time this summer going back and forth with my agent to fine tune the idea. The more I write, the more it evolves. I'm excited about where I hope it is all leading.
- I'll be speaking at both INBOUND 2014 in Boston and Connections 2014 in Indianapolis. There are a few other events I'm still in discussions with so there might be a few more cities added to the list.
- Editing continues on the videos I'm doing for GORUCK and I've got to return to Jacksonville for a few more interviews and other footage. Can't wait to see the team again (and of course Monster).
- You know I receive any new cameras that Samsung puts out as one of their Imageloggers and I arrived home to find the Samsung NX3000
was here. It is sitting here charging and I look forward to getting it out and making photographs with it.
- Wediko's Cycle The High Hills charity bike ride is happening and while I won't be getting on a bike, I am volunteering at the event. I've talked about this a lot and hope to see some friends taking part this year.
As I look at that list it doesn't look like all that much, but I know there will be more in there.
I'd write more, but I still have bags to unpack from the trip and plenty of email I need to respond to.
Hope you enjoyed while I was gone.