Before it was the "in thing" for everyone in social media to do, I've had the life long goal of writing a book.
I never knew if it would be fiction, business or something else, but I've always wanted to have a printed stack of binded paper on a shelf with my name on it. I'm happy to announce that in the very near future this is going to be a reality.
Slated for release in December, Content Rules, is the book I'm co-writing with the amazingly talented Ann Handley. It will be coming out from the good folks at Wiley and will have a forward from my buddy David Meerman Scott.
I could ramble on about what the book is about, but how I boil it down is that no matter what the latest and greatest shiny new online tool is that comes out, at the end of the day you need to have quality content of all types to be successful. We not only lay out our rules for successful content, but also tell you how to create it, what to think about and how to integrate it into all of your initiatives.
This isn't a book about blogging, Facebook or Twitter, but they are all in there for sure. We wanted to write this book for the preacher who wants to grow their congregation, the small shop owner down the street or the Fortune 500 CMO who really wants to take their online marketing to the next level. The goal was to provide an educational, but also entertaining read that won't bore you to sleep.
You can pre-order the book now and really make me smile or wait until it hits shelves and pick up a copy then.
If you need a final giggle before you order the book watch this little video announcement we made. We decided after this one, off the cuff take, that it was too much fun NOT to use. Plus, it illustrates one of our rules about having fun with the content you create.